
What the hell happened between the first trailer and this one? They feel like completely different movies…

I don't see why it would bother you. He literally says at the beginning of every segment that he doesn't play games nor does he like them. He shits on practically every game they play.

Did you really forget that Roger was the one who created the golden turd? He took a dump in a bush in one of the older seasons. I was kinda hoping it would eventually connect back to him.

I don't really need any more reasons other than the fact that Kristen Bell is in it.

Don't worry Lena, you're sexually unappealing no matter what you wear.

And this was the last site I trusted to get quality reviews for the shows I watch. My reasons to continue following AV Club is dwindling. Oh well.

I watched the first episode and really enjoyed it, but god damn this show has one of the weirdest casts I've ever seen. None of them really click. They all feel really distant to one another.

Well at least they didn't say it LOST its voice.

This entire plot point was just so…..dull. It honestly felt like a last stitch attempt by the writers to get another weird storyline shoved in right before the end.

Um, Daria is a proud, strong, beautiful woman who doesn't need your approval. Check your privilege you cis monster!

You mean to tell me that a teenager who spends a majority of his time training in fighting and acrobatics ISN'T supposed to look large and buff? INCONCEIVABLE!

AV Club is the one website I went to escape this nonsense. Please stop putting out articles like this.


She's eating eggs in the beginning.

So, is Lisa not a vegetarian anymore?