Bob Shaw

I can see understand that about 2112 from the perspective of time, but when it came out….mindblowing.

Rebecca is my favorite Hitch.

Interesting perspective. I've not seen Casino in a long while, I'll rewatch with that concept in mind.

It doesn't get as much love as his other films, but Age of Innocence is in my Scorsese top five.

I'm not sure how the critics reacted, but I know a good portion of the Clubbers had a problem with The Dark Knight Rises. I thought it was a terrific way to end the series, and will eventually be reassessed at some point in the near future. Coming on the heels of The Dark Knight (to me still the finest of the comic

My first job was busing tables at Sizzler. I was a lad of 16 in 1981. Worst job I've ever had in my life (including a summer in a fruit packing shed). I've never understood why people think they can fling food like timber wolves when they go out to eat. I didn't mean to offend any actual timber wolves for comparing

I'm talkin' about friendship. I'm talkin' about character. I'm talkin' about - hell. Leo, I ain't embarrassed to use the word - I'm talkin' about ethics.

A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I

I doubt they could lift 40-pounders….Star Wars fans not known for upper body strength.

I got a John Sununu notification for this?

It cost $100 mil just for the rights to Pink Floyd's "Pigs" to play over the opening credits.

I'll bring paper plates!

**2112 plays as she enters the room, high-fiving the crowd**

And don't forget he wrote "Chariot of the Gods"!

Hmmm…..Virgina Madsen.
That's all I have to say about this movie.

Sorry to offend you…I meant that sexually. Not in a gross, cannibalistic way.

Oh, I wouldn't make her wait to get eaten.

You are right - I stand corrected. Well, carry on then.

I wouldn't be surprised if somewhat doesn't get worked up over this - in green hair, sans make-up, it brings to mind that dumbfuck that shot up TDKR theater.

No - it won't accept it. I finally said fuck it and went back to my other account. I was thinking of resurrecting my "Pepsi Sr" gimmick account, but the specter of Pepsi Jr has long since fled the AVC.