TV Casualty

I've been to two theatrical movie marathons: the first was all three Back To The Future movies, the night before Part III came out. It was great, I got to see all three films in one go with a bunch of fellow fans, and I saw the new one a few hours before everyone else. I was in grade school at the time, but even

How about every Woody Allen movie?

Language evolves. The Star Wars films take place "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." In all that time, the meaning of the word "parsec" evolved from being a measure of distance to being a measure of time. Duh!

That would be fucking brilliant!

I can watch them. I actually kinda like them, despite their flaws. There's some good stuff buried there.

I loved the Trubel scene because for once, Trubel was there and actual, ya know, talking and doing stuff! It's been so frustrating having her back but not really there these last few episodes.

Amy Acker is one of the best actresses working today, so it's no shame if Bitsie doesn't manage to be quite as good in her new character as Acker was as Illyria. Still, I think/hope Bitsie pulls it off!

That's a good way to describe how I'm feeling as well: cautiously optimistic. Juliette had problems over the years, but Dark Juliette was fun, and I'm intrigued by this new version. Grimm has earned some trust from me, so I'll reserve criticism until I see where they're going.

I know you didn't mean it that way, but "Vulcan-cum-Lilith" sounds really dirty.

The Junior Associates all becoming undead would've been quite an unforeseen twist!

He's not fat, he's just drawn that way.

But where's the money in re-recording their classic debut album? Most people are just going to buy the original if the want the songs. The only people who would buy the new versions are the most hardcore of the hardcore FEAR fans. Hell, they're one of my favorite bands, and even I didn't buy it.

I saw that movie on tv right before The Last Man On Earth (the show) premiered! It's plot sounded familiar, so I looked it up and, sure enough, it's based on the same story that inspired Omega Man with Charleton Heston and I Am Legend with Will Smith (that was the title of the original book as well).

Ugh….Bordertown….thanks for reminding me that another goddamn Seth MacFarlane cartoon is coming to Fox. Jerk!

One symptom of the virus is that your body disintegrates when you die. It's a very considerate virus, at least in terms of cleanliness.

Don't be such a Phil 2.0.

I'm thinking his appendix is going to burst or something. It's the type of medical situation that, in our world, would be taken care of with a routine surgery but which, in their doctor-less reality, could mean certain death (like the death-in-childbirth scene in The Walking Dead).

Hey now! I thought American Beer was a solid album. Now, The Fear Record, where the current lineup inexplicably recorded a new, and largely identical, version of their classic debut album, The Record, is not so good. But American Beer? Solid album.

Portland is a fairly small city in real life, I believe.

Yeah, it's very annoying how poorly used Trubel has been for so long. When she first showed up, she was a breath of fresh air. She was like the missing ingredient to the show, an ingredient that we didn't even know was missing. It reminds me of when Chiana was introduced on Farscape: the show was great already, but