
Race and sex are only "modern issues"?
You mean procreation and racial discrimination were unknown until after the 1920's?

Incisive observations!

There's much, much more to Downton Abbey than that.
But, what do I know?

Elizabeth McGovern is the weak link in the acting ensemble. Her acting gifts are seriously under-developed!

Wrong analogy. Gold-diggers go after their prey; the money men are swarming around Mary!

You mean men in Edwardian England never mated for lust? What about that obscure aristocrat who gave up wealth, heritage and prestige to marry that American divorcee who was reputedly particularly skilled at bedroom gymnastics.?

Green's death was declared a homicide? Why didn't you say so before?
Who's the actor playing the Scotland Yard DCI leading the investigation?

How much damage could he do on one good leg?

You think that keeping something you don't want to lose on your person is "ridiculous"?
Maybe, he couldn't afford a bank safety deposit box!

Sardines because of the tight packing; maggots because of the multiplicity.

Written any good TV series, lately?

Mr. Levinson: (Carson's name for him): Do you get excited about coming to London.
Daisy: "I never get exited!"

Then, how could a gentleman's valet and a lady's maid afford to give a coat away that was theoretically still wearable?
Now, if Robert handed down his overcoats to Bates, then…!

It's entirely plausible that Mrs. Hughes wanted to determine if seeing the ticket would stir the same suspicions in them.
"If a tree falls in the forest…"?
Put another way: "If you have evidence that no one else has seen does it really exist"?

Could it be; that there was no crime involved; so Bates felt no incentive to go to extraordinary lengths to cover his tracks?