Peter Hardy

What a brain dead article…. It's a goofy film based on a goofy comic. It's fun and not for uptight assholes like the AV club staff

yeeeah… maybe time for me to jump ship from the AV club… it's been quite a few years.. thanks for the reads.

"went a long way to spark the dialogue around safe spaces and inclusion at punk show"

A lot of watered down wank-rock here. There aint no AV Club editors hitting the mosh pit I assume.

I'll say this about Lucas, he loves to play the victim card, no one saw red tails because we're racist, no one watches movies like THX1138 anymore, he doesn't want Star Wars to be bulked down in Gobblygook and Spaceships (exactly what he did in the prequels) … he's so out of his mind.

AV clubbers - terrified of tits

In the books if you fall in the river you get grey scale automatically, so they just went with the 'don't let them touch you' which works well ! …. oh spoiler I guess…

I've got a feeling you guys are going to tear me apart for saying this but… I haven't enjoyed this season, it hasn't been funny (call me a luddite but I enjoy a bit of comedy from my Louie CK) and I felt what he was trying to say this season was.. well.. a little obvious and on the nose