Comic Nerd

Personally I found too many of the red herring "bad" people like the baker etc to look too similar, that I found myself feeling like I was watching a bunch of unconnected stories.

And Aunt May somehow inherited a nuclear power planet in Canada.

How far comic movies have come, I can remember being super excited that a Marvel Comics character was even referenced in a proper movie in the original Adventures

The problem is that the Studios most often only look at boxoffice as a metric for green lighting a sequel. Some movies don't lend themselves well to a sequel and others do decent boxoffice but audiences aren't really all that enamored with the characters.

The other issue was the material, it looked flat on camera.

While I understand what Miller is going for in DKR, I really didn't like the comic. I think it comes down to the fact I hated the portrayal of Batman and Superman.

April Fools?

I think 2010's story is more straightforward but visually it's far more dated then Kubrick's version.

I think the other problem, at least from the trailer is that A) they are saving money by having the humans get posessed, B) there seems to be a human villain behind it.

I think the difference is that practical effects teams had to learn film making techniques like lighting , lens and camera placement. CGI has become influenced by video games and the art of film making has been lost a little in the effects work.

I though Feig said this movie would be scarier then the original? Did I imagine that

Why is that because a movie is a comedy, it doesn't have to be visually interesting, or have a good music score or solid story?

I thought the same thing with the possesion power, a way to cheap out.

I find it funny that Bernadette was going to get into a hot tub knowing she was pregnant.

It's funny, the animation still holds up better then say Space Jam, which came out 8 years later.

Most streaming services are awkward and barely functional.

Not really an IPAD issue, it has more to do with the fact that Netflix's whole business model is based on streaming so the effort is put into the development of it's app. For other groups it's just a side project so the testing of the apps are less a priority.

It seems cleaner with less colour grading.

Stephen Amell is like a black hole of charisma.

As cheesy as this looks, it actually looks like it embraces fully the 90's cartoon. The 1st movie seemed be a completely different (bad) movie when the Turtles weren't on screen.