Comic Nerd

Saw TPM twice as well. I saw it at the Midnight opening and sat there with a bit of a stunned look on my face and bad feeling in my stomach. I went a 2nd time just to see if it was the late hour that affected my viewing, then the 2 headed alien came on during the pod race and I realized nope this really is terrible.

Return of Jedi suffered from generic direction and uninterested actors but otherwise with a more dynamic director could have been great.

The 2nd worst moment in Star Wars history is Sam Jackson and Co confronting Palpatine. That "fight" was an embarrassment to set design, staging and choreography. I can't believe someone didn't look at the dailies of that scene and tell Lucas it looked like crap.

I don't know how anyone could put Revenge of the Sith ahead of ROTJ. The 2 previous prequels but Sith in awkward position of having to try and pretend like the Anakin/Obi Wan friendship was a thing we had seen before. It's also a remarkable small movie, with a boring middle act consisting mainly of people standing

I would love to see an HD rerelease of both games, with modern textures, and the completed version of KOTOR2. While I love the 2nd game it's jarring how it's missing so much.

John Carter didn't work because they turned a straight forward adventure story into a convulated mess of subplots.

Not sure if this posted here yet but the alien animatronics in this movie were recycled for the Phantom Menace for the Nemodians when at the last minute they realized they didn't have the time or budget to do them with CGI.

I love the world that is built in this movie, I would loved to have seen more stories told in that universe.

also no one talks to each other, they talk at each other.

This movie just confirmed what we suspected with the Prequels, Lucas lost any bit of filmmaking talent he had.

If you look at the credits for editing on the prequels, you will see some very inexperienced editors. Ben Burtt is a great sound designer but giving him sole responsibility for editing of AOTC was a huge mistake.

The problem with Jar Jar is that when he is on screen is doing something stupid in the background or wandering around taking the focus from the story. He is completely useless to the story and could have been easily cut out of the movie without really affecting much of anything/

I remember one of the 1st things that stood out for me when I watched TPM in the midnight screening was how awkwardly staged everything was in the movie. Look at the 1st appearance of Sidious, his hologram just appears in the middle of the bridge talking to the asian aliens. To give another example look at Darth

Speaking of coming and going, I wonder if anyone has done a Supercut of all the takes offs and landings that are in the Prequels? Sith is the biggest offender, someone should have told Lucas that it's ok if we don't see the landing gear and ramps come up and the ships full land everytime.

I look at it this way, not everyone in the rebellion really knew Luke as a Jedi, and I suspect that very few knew what actually went on in the Emperor's throne room.

Little did we know that the changes made in the Special Editions would predict Lucas's sensibilities. I hate the dinosaur walking in front of the camera in Star Wars.

Ford would probably have done the seen himself, talking to a cardboard cut out of Carrie Fisher. The 2 would have been edited together in post.

But the difference in the OT and PT is that he had real sets in the OT to shoot around. Having actually sets forces the director to come up with interesting setups. Han,Chewie, Luke and Obi wan sit around a table in the cantina, but we have atmospheric lighting, an interesting set and life going on in the background,

Run, slow down when you hit the edge of the green screen room.

One of the flaws of the prequels is that it goes on the assumption you have seen the previous trilogy first. There is no audience introduction into the world or characters in TPM. Also we get terrible scenes like R2-D2 getting thanks, there is too much reliance on OT knowledge.