
mon-el and kara encountering eachother on the ship + their "hi" exchange was seriously the cutest

Well if they don't break up IRL I can only really see it having a positive effect! We'll see though

I've liked specifically that a lot of his moments of awfulness have been called out for being awful. I like flawed characters and I love characters pointing out their flaws.

I know it's unpopular opinion to love Mon-El but god damn it Chris Wood can sell me on anything… he is so friggen charming. Him and Melissa have some real chemistry that I am really enjoying watching play out.

I definitely understand why they did what they did and the time jump and such (considering how the show is), but it really did feel weird (at least for me) too breeze past everything. I'm so used to grieving tv deaths WITH the characters but it was so strange to just see everyone but Jane going on with their lives

You picked almost ALL of my favourite episodes. Only missing (in my opinion) are "Christmas Party Sex Trap" and "Danny Castellano Is My Personal Trainer"

If there was one team arrow member that had to leave, I'm glad it was her

There may be a dead Lance… but it won't be Quentin

I think she's by far the CUTEST villain that arrow has ever had… but it worked extremely well

Me too… glad she gets a chance to tie up loose ends and such but fare-thee-well

That episode was truly part of the Laurel Lance farewell tour… she's probably dead as hell next week oh boy…

A female character who the writers decided to actually give feelings to becomes shrill and naggy … LOL

Apparent unpopular opinion but I really loved that episode. As much as the lie is unneccessary and they spent a lot of time trying to prove that it wasn't, I expected that since 4x08 and I'm just happy they're finally gonna deal with whatever blowback there is from that storyline and hopefully, with aid from Stephen's

I love that theres now probably some hot gossip going around Star City that the soon-to-be mayor is into bondage

Its mentioned above but he filmed out of order so he will be back for the back end of 4A

That totally went over my head. Very funny

"This is your overlord, Felicity Smoak" …the best

They were in plenty of scenes together for the episodes he was present… save for "Road Trip" … the Ben Affleck movie is the exact reason he has been away for a few episodes

"you had a secret family the whole time and you never told them about me?"

hmm… well I'm not Italian so I wouldn't know!