John Everyman

They were never huge, but to give credit where credit is due, they are considered massively influential towards the development of metal music.

In my head canon, Thrawn would consider the First Order a bit of a terrorist organization, and an embarrassment to the true Empire

I really would have loved if he would have turned out to be Baron Fel.

Using myself as evidence… kids love multi-episode arcs. As evidence, I need only utter five (six?) magical words… "Next time, on Dragon Ball Z!"

Saw a good fan theory on that. Apparently, Carl does not cut his hair because his mom used to cut his hair. Like Shane said, "one day you'll be begging for one of your mamas haircuts." I buy it

While I don't necessarily disagree, I would just like to suggest that there's no word in the English language more wonderfully pretentious than "sophomoric"

You watch your mouth! The first Mortal Kombat movie was campy fun too!

I feel like I was the only one who just kinda rolled with the Rule of Cool in regards to Daredevil beating up ninja's. Sure, silly… but it's a blind martial arts master beating up ninjas. My inner 12 year old would have loved it. I can dig it.

I take it from your comment that there is such a show. You must tell me which one.

Eh, I bristle at calling any type of art form "disposable". Just because Sturgeons Law applies hard doesn't mean there aren't some brilliant comics that could ONLY be depicted effectively in that medium.

This comment is made so eloquent by the mere fact that I hear Mads Mikkelsen saying it.


The Force Awakens as "supposedly diverse"? Come on. Movie wasn't perfect, but if there's one thing they did a very good job on, it's in creating a diverse cast, especially in comparison to similar movies. I eat my breakfast with a healthy spoonful of cynicism too, but it's not like we have to deride everything.

So… is Andrew WK always in a constant state of party mania even in real life?

In terms of "OMFG THAT WAS AWESOME" quality, this one might win, but the original I think wins for me, due to the emotional quality of it- just knowing that there was a scared, terrified little boy behind that door, constantly pushing Matt to keep getting up, really got to me- but also because of the shock of it. When

Totally thought you were about to say it was Hitchcox of them.

Yeah, I think Matt knew that there wasn't a bullet in there. Ostensibly, he's still trying to not kill anyone (the Rule of Cool decrees we ignore him yanking that biker down the staircase by the neck with a freaking chain, because it's freaking awesome). He knew the gun was useless. But he fired it anyway. Partly to

My interpretation of that whole scene was something like this.

While there's no doubt that Frank Miller went crazy at some point, I feel like a lot of people do like to brush under the rug just how important, and in some cases, truly fantastic his early work was. If not his Batman stuff, his Daredevil stuff is a comic treasure. It reads better than almost any other comic of the

It works pretty well in context. Considering Daredevil's strong Catholic theme, the emphasis on confession and forgiveness worked pretty well.