Abby Normal

It kind of reminds me of the opening parts of "Sean of the Dead" where there's all these zombies walking around and it takes a while for the main character to notice.

This isn't super surprising. The Girl Scouts have always updated the badges periodically to keep up with what's going on in the world. (And there was a computer badge as far back as the 80's when I was in GS.)

There were only like, what, 4-5 channels at the time? It's not like there was a lot to choose from.

7) So, in the Cars universe, cars are people, planes are people, trucks are people, helicopters are people (I think? I'm having trouble remembering if Mater took his big helicopter ride in a sentient helicopter with windshield eyes), but tractors and combines are cows? Are there other pieces of machinery that stand in

OMG my kid gets those! (And, thanks to the autism that we just found out about, he not only is insisting on the Cars pull-ups, but he'll only wear the ones where Lightning McQueen is facing left on the front. As in, he'll flip out and have a meltdown if Lightning is facing the wrong way. Needless to say, we're

Oh, crap, you're right.

I don't know—as a liberal Midwesterner living in a red state I don't totally buy that. I mean, I can't totally sympathize with the "coastal liberals having all the power" argument when the entire state and local government is run by conservatives (and gerrymandered beyond any hope of changing that.) To me, that's

Exactly. Something that's been driving me nuts in the fallout from the election is the fact that there were all these thinkpieces about "leaving your bubble" and NYT reporters going to the Midwest to try to understand Trump voters and I've seen NO evidence of anyone in the right-wing media doing the opposite. And

I haven't seen FWWM yet so I'm not familiar with Deer Meadow. Is the town part of a Shelbyville/Springfield type of rivalry (or maybe Nightvale vs Desert Bluffs?)

Also Nadine listening into Dr. Jacoby's show in the last episode.

FOX News: Because The Waiting Room At The Car Dealership Wasn't Unpleasant Enough

1) Most of the commentariat seems to agree that Janey-E's scene with the two bookies established her as a total BAMF (and don't get me wrong, I'm glad it worked out for her!) but when I was watching her all I kept thinking was how stupid a move that was. Maybe I'm too used to movies where blackmailers are always

Whenever I'm leaving for a trip with the kids and we're doing that last-minute-inventory-of-the-car-before-leaving-the-driveway we always have someone going "The crackers, Gromit! We've forgotten the crackers!"

I'd have to look it up to be certain, but I think they can treat SCID kids with bone marrow transplants now, so you don't really have to keep them in bubbles anymore.

That's an insult to toddlers. Most small children can be taught to at least take a "no-thank-you bite."

It's more of a riff than a full-blown solo, I guess, but I love the intro to "Sweet Child O' Mine".

Another word that crowd throws around as if they invented the whole damn concept. Never mind that the "liberal snowflake protesters" that they whine about are out there because they don't want a tyrant shitting all over the Constitution—which sounds pretty patriotic to me.

My thoughts are kinda the same as they were when Jack Chick died—I don't wish death on anyone and I'm sure his family misses him and I hope they have plenty of emotional help going forward. But I do really wish that machine from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy—the one that makes you feel the same way that you've

Holy crap that sounds like a terrible idea.

I'm still hooked to find out what's going to happen, but, yeah, they really gotta do something about those weird, drawn-out exchanges.