
"The evening began at the gentlemen's club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon."

You have been examined. Your ship must be destroyed. We make assumption
you have a deity, or deities, or some such beliefs which comfort you. We
therefore grant you ten Earth time periods known as minutes to make

No offense intended, but after having read in the AV Club comments section in the last few days comments from a person who said that Chariots of Fire was his favorite movie ever and from another who said that Dune is his favorite book of all time, for the first time in my life, I find myself hoping that the car wash

Now that you mention it, have you ever seen a picture of Frank Herbert and Donald Trump together?

Not just baroque — dismal too. When I read the article, I felt as if my ear were far away. Far from the carpets. Far from everything.

A wizard did it.

But mostly it was an excuse for giving JK Simmons a movie to steal from its nominal stars.

IMHO, The Middle is far superior to Roseanne. Roseanne tried so hard to be about a struggling lower middle-class family (when it wasn't trying to be about Roseanne's ego) that in the end it failed to provide anything like a realistic portrait of a struggling lower middle-class family. Heck, I'd say that Good Times

I guess that it's possible that someone could write his own biopic and then not approve it, if, say, the entire thing were filmed out of focus or with all lines either read by five-year-old children or waah-waahed through a trombone. But if you've already gone to the trouble of hiring someone to write his own biopic,