
"Memberberreis: The movie"

You've heard of the idea of a "plot"… right? You listed several things that were the same and ignored anything that could make it different.

I get the feeling you didn't actually read the article. The author here not only says that Rolfe made the video to discuss why he wouldn't see the movie due to being a fan, but then uses that assertion to go into the deeper discussion of fan entitlement.

Did anyone else think that they had Vision fly through Ant-Man's chest in a slight call-back to when Ragnarok put a hole through Goliath's chest in the comics Civil War? I thought it was just me, but as we were leaving, my buddy I saw it with made the same comment.

I just finished Revival and, while I basically agree with this review, where we differ is that I don't mind King stretching it all out. The ending was so unexpected and different from where it seemed to be going. While Pennywise made me afraid of what might be under my bed or in my closet, Revival made me afraid of