Something Here

This episode was clearly better than the Flash one which seemed directionless and had tonal inconsistencies. Loving the show right now, I've said this before but I want a buddy-villain comedic show so bad.

- How does Iris still have a job? Any sane person would fire her for taking months off to do nothing

James "try and stop me" bruh you kidding me she can snap you in half.

It's great that I started watching the show without having checked out the reviews here like I normally do cause this is actually pretty enjoyable and not at all like this makes it out to be, sure everyone has different opinions but I went back and read through this for the first couple episodes and the critic seems

I don't know how this can be done but I want this season to end without Merlyn and Dahrhkh to survive and become buddy cop antiheros.

Insert cliched *alternatively funny* joke here

- Good thing the city forgot that Wells is supposed to be a criminal like the writers did.

Best actor for Ryan Gosling and no nominations for Amy Adams? u w0t m8

Yeah absolutely. I'm watching all the shows and Arrow has been pretty good, there was some small plotline of Hypocrity hiding stuff from her boyfriend but thankfully there was no big confrontational emotional backlash to it.

There was also a mention of the Thanagar Snare Beast (watch the documentary Death Of Superman Lives) for more details on that Superman movie that could've been, I laughed at that horrible picture of Nic Cage but the documentary made me feel like he would've made an interesting Superman.

Even though this is propoganda that I wholeheartedly agree with, this is still just a propoganda movie and provides much less substance than you'd imagine from all the praise people are throwing this way. This might be a crowd pleasure for it's demographic but it's almost hilarious they still make these kinds of

I love the movie and I read the books after that which were a good enough read, for starters Scott Pilgrim has the faster pace, smaller runtime and the style going for it for that reason I don't even think it's an apt comparison. I haven't seen the Unfortunate Events movie or read the books so it's possible the source

People not understanding traps got real old real fast. I just watched episode 6 and it was the same thing again. I think I'm going to hate watch the rest 2 episodes like I did with the back half of Arrow season 3 then forget about this show and not recommend it to people.

Absolutely. Halfway through the movie they just decided to not give a shit anymore. Check out Kermode's review for this, its pretty accurate and funny. Should've listened to him and not watch this.

Yeah he's the least unlikeable, his sidekick is not irritating, he doesn't get political and doesn't interrupt his guests by saying how much he loves them, doesn't put on a fake over-jovial personality either.

As much as I loved to hate these 2 seasons I would miss it very much when it's gone. I don't even see an alternative on the horizon right now (please feel free to give suggestions if you have some)

The Birdman reference was pretty fun and the hook guy is pretty fun.
Horrible CGI though.

> The "All The Way" star will play…

It isn't?

Do not understand the praise for this, it was decently made but it was cliched from start to end that didn't even make me jump a single time. I'd suggest giving this a hard pass and checking out Hush or Oculus by the director which are much better movies and I'll be checking out Absentia.