Something Here

This is a really generous rating for an episode this light on substance and feels cheap at a lot of places (editing, transitions, around the world in a couple of days).

Just a couple episodes back he was bitching about how the show didn't tell him how many times Maeve has killed herself so she could talk to the 2 idiots, dafuq

Really disappointed with this, I was really interested in this movie after I saw the trailer but the movie is really watered down cliche fest.

I didn't think of them being similar but it just seems like a set up to a punch line shows like this try to develop but I hope that doesn't happen. I was also against Alex and the detective chick getting together on Supergirl cause they always do this, once I'd like to see these DC shows not go with the trope.

Cool, I've never seen Xena though. It wasn't on in my country when I was a kid.

Sure but that doesn't mean a good detective shouldn't be doing their job. The episode tried to draw clear parallel with him and Curtis and I take issue with that. Curtis is clearly useless who shouldn't be fighting on the streets cause he sucks at it.

Don't think she has any right to be pissed either, I was just pointing out how awkward it must be.

- Good thing DNA testing machines look like water cooler so it's easy to use by regular people

Oh yeah, Scrubs was filled with so much music I didn't even remember the "musicals"

Had to Google to see what it was, haven't seen Buffy. Would you recommend the show?

Agreed, but I didn't think it was that good. They were doing better character stuff at the beginning of the second season IMO.
But I totally agree, that episode was not a good one for new viewers.

You're free to have your opinion obviously but I have to say the crossovers didn't show Supergirl in the best light since using her at full strength would have made the other characters obsolete, not to mention they didn't have enough time to show her character moments. I'd recommend you check out the show. And the

RIP Julian, it was good knowing you

How would she find out that one thing about Julian if she did?

The only show I've seen with a regular show doing a musical episode is Psych and it was quite fun IMO so I'm more optimistic than most people.

Is this based on just the 4 crossover events or following all 4 shows cause I think Supergirl is working quite well and LoT is certainly a mess but it has improved and is a lot more fun.

> I’d love to see her take an extended voyage through time with the Legends
Whoa hold on there buddy, she has been alright this season of Arrow but I'd prefer it if we keep her quarantined.

Dude I understand your spirit here and I'd love to feel the same but it was really bad looking, Ray's face didn't even match the body. It looked like an adult head in a teenager's body.

- They continue to go overboard on exposition "just for some of us who don't know, what are your powers Cisco?"

Great job DC, better than Vandal Savage's daughter Scandal Savage though :D