Something Here

Yeah he literally has centuries of experience, didn't think he'd come in handy

We can either pour the CGI budget on the steel man or the aliens, which one would you prefer?

Completely agreed, I'm just talking about her perception of vigilantism changing. Guardian is useless with Kara and MM around IMO

It just hit me that Supergirl will see how awesome Green Arrow is, then she'll go back thinking vigilantism is alright and team up with the Guardian (horrible name btw, why not make him the New York Times)

I like that they added the bit about Oliver talking about bringing back his parents cause in the Arrow part of the crossover the aliens will put them in a hallucination and they'll think they're back to the time before the boat trip with his parents and Laurel still alive.

Or a father figure more trained in combat than any of us who can also shape shift, and my sister who recently came out as a lesbian while I'm at it

Message to the reviewer: I'm pretty sure there were no subtle relationship things anyone not watching the show could miss. They went out of their way to make it plain and simple "he's not like me" would work but they went "he's not like me, he doesn't want to control his powers".

Exactly what I thought. I think they're saving budget until the LoT part of the episode


They did mess up a bit though, it was the mid season finale and the new viewers got nothing but spoilers and heavy handed drama. If only they had Barry over there for 5 minutes it wouldn't been fine.

Yeah, exactly.
And with the Martians they'll talk about how messed up our perceptions are about each other since Green thought he'd go crazy if he turned white and that didn't happen. Maybe it'll mend the Martians' relationship

Corrected, thanks

I see what you're saying but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. OP just said it's stupid to think it's racist and I agreed with him. You explained the difference in their relationships and all but that's not the matter being discussed.

It was a pretty stupid thing though

I don't think it's racism per se, I'm from India and we have a weird relationship with Pakistan ever since we're born it's always a huge thing, there's constant wars and tense states but it's to do with politics not race or religion.

I just hate that cliche any way it goes, actually forgetting or acting like someone forgot, it's always a bait-and-switch to give the fans a "OMG they kissed" moment then continuing the will-they-won't-they

Weren't they setting up the romance since 2 episodes? The LoT one was much worse than this.

I thought this was a rather disappointing episode and it didn't itself any favours by pushing the more heavy handed stuff in an episode where the fans of the other shows would be watching. And this is not just about putting the best foot forward I thought the episode on itself was pretty sub par and my biggest

On a facebook live stream he said Jason Mewes wants to be the guy he was on Flash on every show. He got his daughter Harley Quinn on the Supergirl episode he directed.

Yeah, really good to membah