Something Here

I was kinda hoping for more Terminator movies only to see Smith's performance as the villain but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I see what you're saying but the only posture I notice of his is the chin glued to the chest every now and then.

I quite liked Smith as the doctor and I think he's a cool guy but I have been slightly less impressed with his performance than I would have hoped to be. What would you say is his best role in your opinion?

What's the problem? :D

I have a problem with it being super inconsistent, next time we see him he'll be in the Supergirl Earth talking to Winn doing nerd stuff and being super cool

- Dark lord calling Tom Felton to be his disciple, big shocker.

And hands them in a binder instead of an email which would make more sense.


Yeah I 'member

Your interpretation does seem logical. Thanks for typing all this out.

Yeah that was terrible too.

I like Mick more on Legends right now though, and when is Snart coming back? Wasn't he the first character to be named regular for the DCW Universe.

Obligatory "so we some kind of suicide squad huh?"

I feel bad for Maggie there, would you say that part of the story makes sense? Isn't it like getting rejected by a guy?


Few thoughts here:

I think the explanation to the vibe is much simpler, it's a Killer Frost from another Earth. The idea the reviewer put forward could work the same way too and much easier actually. Villainous Vibe from Earth 5 (Earth V, see what I did there) comes to our Earth and Caitlyn has to stop him.

Then you gotta watch Psych. Amazing show

Exactly, I should be feeling bad but I love this new Rory more than I ever loved Snart.

You can say the same for Arrow too though. Horrible year outside of DCTV shows

Drunken Master. He fakes being a drunk?