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    well the way they presented the episode, it looked like rafael only had the guy lie 2 the police until after he realized the Jane was in love with Michael & was going 2 choose him over Rafael.

    Rafael only had michael reported AFTER he found out that Jane was gonna choose michael over him. Rafael didn't do what he did out of concern 4 his son……he did it 2 get michael out of the way & its proven by the fact that rafael didn't go 2 the police himself but hired some1 2 do it so it couldn't be traced back 2 him.

    rafael may not have wanted 2 lose jane but he ended up doing something that would make jane never want 2 be with him again…..(turning in the man she loves & lying 2 her about it)

    After this ep. I do think rafael has the potential 2 be the next big villain

    "fighting 4 their family"…..every time rafael says that it just irritates the shit out of me becuz he has no idea what it means 2 be a family. All he has is this fantasy in his head. He needs 2 grow up becuz he's acting so immature

    I think that's what pissed me off the most…..its the fact that b4 the big revelation, we got 2 c rafael happily integrate in2 jane's family without feeling any guilt 4 destroying a man's life & lying 2 jane about it on top of that!!!
    I didn't much care 4 either of jane's suitors becuz they both messed up royally 4 me