
Pretty much. I just didn't think the sketch was funny, and neither did the rest of the audience. And the cue card placement was very awkward so that probably had something to do with it.

It was the State of the Union as covered by Wolf Blitzer from the Situation Room. The main joke was Obama referencing every TV show he could possibly fit in to his speech, Biden (played by Beck Bennett) playing on his phone the whole time, and Boehner frowning the entire time. The address was then interrupted and

During the Dress Rehearsal, she entered through that door. Not sure why they changed it.

That was my thought exactly. It worked much better when she entered from the door on stage, but even then, it wasn't great.

I was at the dress rehearsal and can confirm that, sadly, the cue cards were all made up and all of the dialogue was pre-planned.