
Yeah, that would be right after she's killed by the MiB and before she's put to work with Clementine in the saloon/brothel.

I'd hardly call TWD nuanced. I watched that series right until the third season finale and left it because it just felt like it was all foreshadowing and climax building and the payoff wasn't nearly as satisfying. Zombies are coo, yes. People killing zombies in cooo ways are cool. People trying to survive a zombie

I need this column in book format, gorgeuosly edited with pictures, notes and everything and then I need to buy it.

"We’re divorced now… "
Oh, shit, man. I'm so sorry that question lead you to that thought.

Why is it near-perfect instead of, you know, perfect?

I put the list on Letterboxd for anyone to copy

I like them equally and I think both have their own set of challenges. I mean, with one type of horror movies you have to build the terror and tension from the ground up but with the other type you have to keep the tension up (or at the very least not let it dissipate). I would think it depends on the story you want

Yes, it sound reasonable, but then why not find another angle to shoot that from? Any way, it's not a capital sin and like I said I kind of like it now.

As a long time apologist of the action genre I can't thank you enough for this column and sort of feel sorry for you having to pick between those three movies. They are all classics and I could circle between the three of them depending on my mood. It's just that those three are so much fun that every rewatch is a fun

I think it's because technology, by making things easy or easier than before, enables behaviour that previously was difficult or impossible to express. Take The Entire History of You, for example. Withouth that tech the main character would probably have lived his entire life doubting wether his wife was flirting with

The thing with The Entire History of You is that it starts rather soft, telling us how this tech could actually improve our lives. Who wouldn't want to review recent events to check if you missed something? To pause and reflect? To gather your strenght and come back even better?. But then it shows us the ugly side and

As I was telling my girlfriend the other day, the best Black Mirror stories crawl under your skin and stay there for a few days at least with a mixture of discomfort and uneasiness. With Be Right Back was that too but with the added sadness, a profound sensation of soaking sadness. Yeah, that lasted a few hours.

Man, I'm so glad Black Mirror is back. Some of the episodes in the previous seasons (The Entire History of You, Be Right Back) fucked me up real good.

Oh yes, one of the greatest hits of the Academy

An Oscar nom for Sonia Braga (decidedly deserved, if one reads almost every outlet reviewing Aquarius) would not be unheard of. One has to go back just to 1999 where the Academy nominated Fernanda Montenegro for Best Actress for Central do Brasil (Central Station), a movie directed by Walter Salles. She was even

Can't argue with that ;)

Yeah, I love this movie too. Just like everyone else! I even watched it two weeks ago. My daughter of 7 was super scared, maybe she is still too young. She didn't get nightmares, though. I know I did when I was a kid.

An empty room is never a blank room and you can either admire the design and think about the time and dedication involved in designing it or simple enjoy its silence, the break from all the madness, the missions and objectives they afford you. But sure, they can be very distracting when you expect every room to have a

I feel slightly more intelligent now. I like this new section.

Director Bong is the best