Winter Mute

That sounds like a very good design.

Certainly there are times when we watch an entire show and then are angry that we did it and actively attempt to avoid anything but the same creators for the rest of all time.

"My Life as a Zucchini…is nearly perfect"

I think it's more of a Jeopardy-based rating system

Definitely yay.

They've already attached AoS to the upcoming Inhumans movie.

Having watched every episode of both, and recently quitting both, I have a hard time buying their one-tree-hill meets superhero love triangle mess of stories to really let it hold my interest. At a certain point its just teen-girl-fantasies with Bale's Batman voice prancing in the street a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I agree, but I quit watching both shows in favor of the fantastic world building going on in the MCU. DC shows have a long way to go before they can reel me back in after their failure to improve much.