Seven Costanza

One Summer by Bill Bryson was my fantastic historical nonfiction book of the year. It was an absolute breeze to read.

Shit, that's George Harrison!

I think Heartbreaking Work is the closest he's gotten to that level, but yeah, still a ways out.

I've got a feeling Inherent Vice is going to leave me feeling similarly.

I couldn't get into Nightcrawler, for whatever reason. Something about it just struck me as profoundly uncompelling after watching the first forty-five minutes or so. Maybe it rubbed me as a bit too self-satisfied.

I actually used to work at a Camp called Takota (spelled -dah instead of -ta), and everybody keeps sending me trailers for this movie that looks like an absolute piece of shite. The end.

A rift emerges in the Reinhold/mratfink alliance.

Wait, was Josh actually saying "couples strong"? Because if he was, any sympathy he had earned from me has now evaporated. No more _____ strong.

Did anybody notice Keith and Reed schmoozing in the background of the Baylor/Josh chat?

I truly believe you'll be pleasantly surprised by Dark Knight Rises.

Humming with you, man. That movie is fun as shit.

Re: alcoholic pudding.

Sandra Bullock for Gravity? I'm kind of shocked to hear that, consensus seemed to be that she didn't do much to elevate mediocre dialogue.

Did anybody peg Keith as the one we would all be calling adorable at the start of the season?

Anyone else catch his hug for Baylor when she returned from Exile? Dale is not great at 'reading the room'.

That's well put, though I'm skeptical that Jeremy will have the strategy and people skills in him to make a serious run here. This is partly because he chose to marry Val, whose strategy was truly awful.

That's a really fascinating discussion, most celebrated championship teams. Dead on about the '94 Rangers.

Initial years of the Sharpton Presidency in all likelihood.

Anybody listened to the Alan Partridge audiobook?

Wait shit, indie bands are born in suburbia, and then pretend to have rural roots when they get big. Apologies, commentariat.