
When I was in school we never thought or talked about drugs, we were to busy playing kids games. Then in grade 6 we had our first DARE sermon. After school that day a bunch of us stood around the bike racks talking about what drugs we wanted to try. Nothing is more clueless than DARE although Sessions is trying to be.

I'm not about to watch every episode of Dragnet to prove you wrong. It's not important to me. I'm more curious as to whether you're a stickler for accuracy in remembering 60's TV shows or such a kneejerk police apologist that you even make excuses for the behavior of fictional cops from the 1960s.

I currently watch Dragnet on an oldies station. Are all those cigarettes I see them smoking on Dragnets 68, 69, 70 just CGI?

Dragnet, the show where cops were always lighting-up and every commercial break had a cigarette ad.