
I didn't think anything could be more boring than a new Bon Iver album, but this press conference sounds like it probably was. Good god……

Compare Heavy Metal Parking Lot to this footage and you'll see what I mean.

God, the '90s were so lame. At least those '80s metalheads knew how to have a good time.

I've never understood the hatred directed towards Green Day since they were never really punk to begin with — they were just suburban kids who ripped off the Buzzcocks and hit it rich. They're as punk as Avril Lavigne.

It's not really the consensus about Sugar — it's just Mould's attempt in the press to try and make it a consensus. I'm sure it was a better time for him than the Huskers were in that he made a lot more money and didn't have to share the limelight with anyone else (or suffer the indignity of having Warners choose two

He's wrong about the Huskers and the Replacements, but I'd forgive him that if he'd had the balls to put the Butthole Surfers on this list, whose absence looms like a giant stinky turd over the whole thing. I realize he's tight with those guys, but can you name any other once-genius band that took a bigger shit than