
No more than I think he did heroin so he killed himself.

I just haven't seen any proof showing that he was generally depressed and suicidal. It's only He said She said to me. But OK if that's a general knowledge then I'm outof the loop. If someone anyone could show me a writing or interview by Kurt or someone who knew him supporting that then I'll be in the loop. I just

The beauty of the movie was that it presented real facts supporting the possibility that foul play was involved in his death. While it may be hard for some people to accept, It's irresponsible and selfish to go around blurting contradicting opinions not supported by real truth and fact. Since the movie provides only

OK I just don't see how anyone can go around ranting someone is suicidal and depressed without knowing that to be true. Better say it like you mean it that you "think" he was and not that anyone who knew him or he himself thinks or says so. Noone who knew him other than Courtney NO love says he was suicidal or

This is going nowhere if you can't provideo some facts. Rome incident wasn't suicide attempt. Just overdose says doctor who treated him. again it'd be good to have supportING facts behind you accusing him of being suicidal and depressed.. I can't think someone is suicidal and depressed based on what i hear.

Yea he didn't take a few dozen rohypnol at all.. You don't know his personality or history any better than me. This is such bull people talking outof their assets not using facts only Hearsay. Which isn't even admissible or relevant in court of law..

Haha. In the soaked in bleach documentary at around 33 min into it you can see a clip from same interview where he talks about how he felt presently not the part where he was talking about how he felt over a year before the interview.. the Kurt in the interview wasn't suicidal is the point.. It's like saying he was

is that it? A 20 second clip from a long interview where he was talking about how he felt over a year before. You left out the part where he said his stomach is better and hasn't bothered him for over a year. you can see that part in the soaked in bleach documentary.. you got anything else?

I think your just assuming he tried to kill himself.. Prolly based on what someone else said which was based on what someone else said etc.. But have no proof of it. if you don't have proof to back up what you say then what you say is make believe..

Your assuming he had a track record of suicide and recent suicide attempt. Not true.

I would like to see the video clips and interviews of Kurt talking about suicide. I don't think they exist.

Could the shell not have bounced off his own arm when pulling the trigger..ive shot many shot guns and the shell kicks out on side near arm and trigger finger

It was Courtney who called the electricians to specifically visit the greenhouse. After all other police missed it.. Hmm.. Courtney knew Kurt was there with head blew off? Yea.

It just pisses me off the police did a shot job and left us with not much to go on. I met the gits band at their documentary premier in austin TX. and was so amazed at how DNA taken was used to catch her murderer in Florida all the way from Seattle 9 years later. and these cops don't even develop the fn films of the

We don't want to assume he suicided like the police did. There is foul play here if only the police not doing proper police work. But likely that Courtney NO love had something to do with death and she wants to bury it deep. facts are facts. More facts point to murder than suicide. seems to me He would've at least

Yea there are many different ways to murder people. Thanks for stating the obvious. Wanna get away with murder? Kill a junkie. Like courtney did.

It's only assumed to be suicide. And when you make assumptions you make ass outof you and me. Many unanswered questions in kurts death or we wouldn't be here talking or Discussing. it's also a mystery how this guy was offered 50k to kill cobain by Courtney and was later killed by train. By a fn train. Then

It took 23 years to get a supposed confession for death/murder of Brian Jones. Mia Zapata, kurts friend died at 27 too and by a miracle they caught her murderer years after thru DNA. let's hope and pray for a miracle in kurts case.