
He and his wife literally did name the kid after Indiana Jones, though, haha. He's told the story. They decided on it while watching Raiders.

They've mentioned the Wall in a bunch of eps, it's just hard to remember because of the hiatuses.

Considering he's got a kid named Indy, he probably wouldn't say no to it, either.

I think Stahl has a bigger part in the next one. I agree, though. It's hard to develop your leads and develop your world *and* keep track of all the side characters, and unfortunately the ladies are often the ones getting the short end of the stick because one's the captain and one's the analyst so they don't go beat

No, they've definitely referred to it as somewhere dangerous/forbidden in at least a few other episodes. I think they mentioned it in the pilot, and there was one recent ep where there was a cheerful police alert that went something like "Hugs, not drugs, and stay on this side of the Wall!" It's just hard to keep