Little Man Tate

Is it Jacob Schmaltz by chance? Always wondered what became of him after 8th grade.

Boy howdy, that Dowd! He's more than happy to take a biiig ol' poo on something perfectly legitimate, but sit him down in front of a bland, dumbfuck genre outting that revolves around an embarrassingly hokey gimmick and it's like catnip!
(Mush-mouthed retard voice) "Yaaah iiis aboooouda weeeal scaawy demon dat sneeaks

K here's the deal Shay. I'd had some draaaanks, was determined to type "sir blogs a lot" and boom. It was pretty intellectually dishonest because obviously it's totally legit to be genuinely perturbed by underhanded stuff like this, BUT it's also true that in the mercurial realm of pop culture obsession certain celebs

Moral principal (*principle*)? lmao Naaaah its about golden interweb opportunities to shit upon celebs who've been arbitrarily deemed cruel poopies fodder by sir blogs-a-lot et al

…Naturally! Hahaha! NATURALLY it came to light that LaBeouf stole it! Little cunt-y bunz Sean O'Neil! Hahaha! Ugly lil' Sean O'Neil? Surname misspelling DOESNT FUCKING MATTER