hootie mcboob

Well it's my 39th birthday today. I get to celebrate by working a 10 hour shift. With any luck I can get in a quick 9 at the local course after I'm done.

My first thought as well.

How dare you besmirch Arli$$ like that! May God strike you down!

Your mom goes to college.

Watch your tongue boy.

By The Sea was one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I've seen all the Transformers movies.

Dalton should've been the most badass Bond.

I see your M.A.S.K. and raise you a Centurions.

Ok, but what if you're somebody like me who hates both parties equally?

Don't tell me what to do!

Hooper drives the boat Chief.

Get him!!!

That's your answer to everything.

I think i see a person of color somewhere in the background.

Milking this attention for all it's worth, eh MTV?

His life peaked with Sleepy Gary.

For pure fun, I'd have to say Ricksy Business.

Love how she turned into Beth after only 3 weeks there.

I didn't know my powers limits. Supervillainy it is for me, I guess.
