hootie mcboob

I was just discussing with my brother the other day how he was always one of my favorites. Fuck.

Not after I got a hair caught in the back of my throats.

That sounds like bliss.

My wife and I went to Myrtle Beach for our first anniversary. This was pre-internet so we just picked a restaurant at random. We ended up at New York Prime, a smallish steakhouse that looked like something straight outta NYC, a la Goodfellas. We ended up a splitting a 44oz t-bone that I swear was 5 inches thick but

Apparently if Seth Meyers doesn't talk about it, it's not newsworthy. Better luck next year chum,

Well there's that, among other things.

That's awesome. Something about Moral Orel really connected with me. It was one of the realist shows out their in its finest moments, and then so ridiculously funny at other points. And that season 2 finale is one of the best I've ever seen on TV.

A little over dramatic don't you think with that headline?

Was waiting for someone to mention Moral Orel. Was beginning to think I was the only fan out there.

If you look closely in one of the shots of the Javelin you can see GL.

Nobody that watched season 3 could possibly have that opinion. I call bullshit.

Dowd will be droppin them motherfuckin Ds on em!

Guaranteed to be a letdown, like all proms.

I'll take hellholes for $800 Alex

Wizard did it.

I think it's safe to say, with Person of Interest and WestWorld, Jonathan Nolan has proved he's more talented storyteller than his brother.


No, money down!

Only Warren could complete a pass like that.

Wolf J. Flywheel.