hootie mcboob

Crowd control.

I don't care if she was a cartoon or not, but Dana Delaney will always be Lois Lane.

It's just one constant right turn.

No but she did in Santiago Chile.

Tough to scroll through all the comments, but for me, it's hands down the massive bash in Bachelor Party. It has everything you could ask for.

Would that it were…..so simple

Just watched that again last night.

Jeremy Roenick for the one-timer, all day.

Excuse me, but that's Tom Fucking Chambers to you bub.

Why are you shouting?

Cool, I don't mind watching Best in Show for the 1000th time.

Are you kidding? I go away for weeks at a time and my cats are fine by themselves. Except for that one time I came home and they had eaten the littlest one.

Jack Byrnes: Greg, how come you don't like cats?
Greg Focker: I don't not like cats. I-I just - I just prefer dogs. I mean, I'm just more of a dog kind of, you know. Come home, wagging their little tails, happy to see you kind of…
Jack Byrnes: You need that assurance, do you? You prefer an emotionally shallow animal?

Rufie cooladas for everyone!

The answer is always Paul Dano.

Because It Feels Good?

Frank Stallone

Can't argue any of those fine points.

"If, upon your path, you should meet God….. he will be cut"

Counterpoint: Her Majesty's Satanic Request beats them both.