hootie mcboob

I will be the flame….

Set of steak knives.

Over Roger.

Wasn't there a Jordan v Bird one as well, where you did a slam dunk and three point contest?

Just watched that the other night, good call.

Did you make her say "please Mr. General?"

It's just to contest with Disneys alligator problem.

I can hear Ted Knights voice right now…..

Fair enough.

Come Philip.

Of course it's ambiguous. But for me it was seeing the empty "pod" of someone that went through.

Yeah I'm definitely rewatching it tonight. As a hopeless romantic, the idea that he never gave up looking for her destroyed me.

So Grodd

Well I'm sick of you too!!!

I noticed the similarities between this episode and the Langoliers as well as Contact.

It raises an interesting point in the fact that they touched on weird animal stuff throughout the series, is it because those animals in question maybe came from the 98% side?

The only problem I see coming from this movie is what the problem with Superman usually is, too overpowered. Between those two and the rest of the League, they'd be unstoppable. Which is great if they ever go a Justice Lords route with the DCU.

The theater I just came from was at least 75% female.

Global warming isn't the big problem, global pollution is the real threat. Most notably industrial waste.

If this isn't like All-Star Superman then I will be VERY disappointed.