hootie mcboob

I think it's a metaphor for the sudden departure.

"It really could've gone the other way, couldn't it?"

I only care about what Colin and his giant knob are up to. Anymore wild american orgies?

Nobody is gonna mention that tracking shot was a direct homage to Goodfellas, even down to the exact dialog from that scene.

He's gotta have the worst agent in Hollywood.

No blood? Don't waste my MOTHERFUCKIN TIME!!!!

Separate Entirely.

I still think he would've made a better Star Lord over Pratte.

I think I've seen most of the cuts, visually it's a gorgeous movie but completely soulless, which I'm sure is the point.

I've tried numerous times, but just can't bring myself to like the original. There's greatness somewhere in it but it escapes me. But this does look mighty impressive.

Good spot.

Gary Sinise plays one hellofa bad guy.

I'm a straight man, but James D'Arcy is one of the most handsome men I've ever seen.

One more move and the Asgardian gets it.

Love that story and movie.


Solid, solid movie.

That's what it sure seems like, this is the first I've heard of Thewlis being Ares. Personally I'd rather see it be Huston.

That's entirely possible. But interestingly enough I was having dinner a few weeks ago with some friends, and we all marveled about how we used to be big sports fans in our 20s, even had season tickets to the Red Sox, but now none of us give two shits. Granted we all have younger kids, but i think you're seeing people

I absolutely love his Manchurian Candidate. It's not a perfect movie but it fits so well in the time period it was made. Of course it can't ever compete with the original, but it never tries to. And Denzel and Liev Schreiber both turned in fantastic performances.