hootie mcboob

I'm crying, crying, crying over yooooouuuuu….

They could do a crossover with this and Taxicab Confessions, I'm sure of it.

Yeah, who the hell wants to go out right after work dressed like that and smelling like a fryalator?

Any truth to the rumors that he dresses up like a woman every day?

Part of that whole Yale thing.

Probably because he's really Bill Hicks.

Actually I found it very useful JANET!!!

Rumors are pretty strong that he's Green Lantern in Justice League.

I could be wrong, but I believe that was pulled directly from the book. If so it was a great callback to it.

I can list dozens of stupid low-brow movies that I absolutely love, looking at you Deuce Bigelow, but Austin Powers enraged me from the second it started.

That shower scene at least….

The first Austin Powers movie. My brother, best friend, and I got stoned out of our minds and figured "hey, were high, how bad can it be?" Well we lasted about 15 minutes before we proceeded to walk out, and I've never watched an Austin Powers movie since, how it shall remain for eternity.

I just check the TP to see if there's a note on there.

Worse than that, it was flat,

I would've liked to have seen Montana….

Beat me to it.

I've read every Clancy book, Baldwin is the closest to jack Ryan that you'll get, but Ford was better in my opinion.

Like a case of herpes.

Really?! No Killer Klowns From Outer Space?! For shame.

Don't go chasing waterfalls Gene