hootie mcboob

My mother made me wear a Vulture costume once…… once

Sounded like James Hetfield

It's Friday afternoon, I get it, but you're really struggling to come up with material huh?

They really committed to the part!

What's Teddy Bonkers got to say about all this?

For me, In Country…. Club will always be their best episode. When the guy driving the golf cart does the helicopter sound effects, I break down laughing uncontrollably.

Wasn't Phil Hartman 40 when he left his advertising job to pursue his dream?

These aren't the comments you're looking for.

Mind. Blown.

Patsy Kensit sure was a fox.

Road maps!!!!!

I kept switching back and forth between this and Lethal Weapon 2. Lethal Weapon 2 won out.

El Dad!!

Stole my comment. That movie is worth it alone simply for The Rock relapsing back into drugs. Pure comedy genius.

Season 4 Big Bad: Credit ratings!

Oh Burly, you're insatiable.

"I really ought to take up kite-surfing…."

Traveling salesman, obviously.

Came here for the Sam Worthington jokes. Did not disappoint.

God is not magical, he got his superpowers from a radioactive snake.