hootie mcboob

Spy Game is criminally underrated.

Amy Acker for Huntress please please please!!!

Gondor calls for aid!!

Yes 1000x on this!

Shut the fuck up Donnie.

Damn I love Lundgren in that movie. You am tell he had a lot of fun making that,

I love this show. That's all I got.

Mines bleached!

Kinda reminds me of Dan Turpin scenes from S:TAS where he thinks MPD can handle all the stuff that Superman does.

Don't forget the chuds.

Came here for the Dr. Katz memories.

Or maybe Unicron.


That's no trailer…

Yvan eht nioJ

Hell yes! I'd rather watch a spectacular failure, as opposed to a rehash of things we've seen dozens of times.

That was meant for Vail Lucifer, my bad.

Well said! And shows like Arrow and The Flash don't deal with the loneliness and isolation that comes with being a superhero. That's what readers most identify with, being an outcast. And that's why their only friends are other superheroes.

My biggest gripe is Team Flash. Same goes with Arrow. I understand you need characters to interact with, but the whole idea is it's one person sacrificing their life for the greater good and being an unknown to the rest of the world. That's what being a hero is all about, not pep talks and dysfunction and useless…

Stevie Wonder didn't either.