hootie mcboob

Who wants to go through ole Peteys comment history and find something salacious?!

I usually don't look at who writes the articles, but 8 words into this and I knew it was O'Neal. The pen truly is mightier than the sword.

Are You The One or GTFO!


Do you know where I can get some? Asking for a friend.

This phone will self destruct in 5 seconds…


Joe Camel?


And when they close out a concert with that song fading off is just heaven.

Everything In It's Right Place for me.

Outro by M83. Everything I want in a song.

Yes to Narrow Margin!!

Same here, that's why I hate the recruiting scene in The Devils Advocate when Pacino walks along the edge of the building.

I thought it was the vehicle assembly building at nasa.

"Using the whole fist Doc?"

I always pictured John Hamm as Kemper Boyd.

Kal El and Van El from the Justice League episode For The Man Who Has Everything. Heartbreaking every time I see it.

Oh and Ted Danson and Jack Lemmon in Dad. Not the greatest movie but dammit I choke up every time watching it.

Harris Yulin and Bradley Cooper in The Place Beyond The Pines. There's just something about their chemistry that makes you believe in their bond.