hootie mcboob

My brother finally got me to watch Due Date after years of bugging me, and it is damn funny.

13 was the funniest and best in my opinion.

Kattan was brilliant. His scene where he loses the fight and starts screaming "help he's robbing me" cracks me up to no end.

Not saying it should be in this list, but The Other Guys makes me laugh like no other movie.

The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer disagrees.

*pistol whips Mighty Manotaur

Yeah that line is truly the worst.

It says it on my wallet.

But what is your average Joe small-town cop supposed to do? He's just going out doing a 9-5 job the best he can and make it home to his wife and kids, if he has any. What more should a good cop do?

Very well said my friend. It's never as clear as good and evil and right and wrong. Basically you have to take a sledgehammer to the whole judicial system. But even that's not going far enough because the judicial system is just a symptom of the problem. Just when you think you've got your head wrapped around how to

I know. I was wrong.

Very true and all good points that I can't refute. One of those friends of mine was murdered by a career felon only 2 months ago(it was a huge deal here in Massachusetts) during a random traffic stop. And I can say unequivocally that this officers character was unimpeachable.

You're right, I was reading too much into it. On one hand I have several friends that are police officers, good men doing a tough job. On the other you have dirty cops murdering innocent people on an almost daily basis. It's tough to find answers in all of it.

He's worried about the state of public schools.

Yes yes every cop is racist right? Even the thousands of black and minority officers across the country? You see how stereotypes work?

Brent Spiner was the only decent thing going for that movie. How the hell does Liam Hemsworth keep getting work?

(Doesn't put the toilet seat down after flushing)

"Why'd you say rape twice?"

That Kamino theme is pretty damn awesome if you ask me.

Let me hear your guns!!!