hootie mcboob

Don't you ever bad mouth 1941 again you sonofabitch!!!!

I've never hated a movie more than I did Angry Birds.

Hey it's Enrico Pallazzo!

And your maturity level didn't pass 5th grade.

Remo Williams?

Died On The Fifth of July.

12 par secs.

If you say so Bro.

Frank Stallone.

Sweet potatoes.

Why don't you shit down.

Killer Klowns is the freakiest movie of all time.

I like it.

People that speak in emojis should shampoo my crotch.

Ok prediction time. Harold defeats Samaritan, but at the cost of sacrificing the whole team. Last scene is Harold finding his new Reese and doing the numbers again.

There there aLittleAdrift we'll get through this…


Looks like that King Shark prequel I've been waiting for.

I can't do my woooooooork

And Leia said "I know"