hootie mcboob

Love it. Somebody's read their Asimov.

The fire!!!!

Yeah about 14 hours later. Shot dead in a standoff with every police agency in the state. The details are tough to listen to. The guy had a record a mile long and never should've gotten out of jail early on a 20 year sentence, of which he served three. It was just a matter of time before he killed a cop.

I'm not a religious guy. Spiritual yes but I don't follow any one religion. I'm ok with my relationship with God. Now having said that I'd like to ask my fellow AV Clubbers to pause and keep a good man and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Ronald Tarentino Jr was a police officer in Auburn MA who was

Gotta agree, the flashback to Nates childhood was tough to watch. Well done but sheesh.

Give me Hardware Wars or give me death!

Bring on the Shi'ar Empire and Gladiator!

I wish that they'd done Timothy Daltons Bond movies the way they did Craig's. Dalton had the potential to be the best Bond.

Sounds to me like you're perfect!!!!

Thank goodness this movie isn't 4 hours long or if have to go see a doctor.

Mendehlson, Mendehlson, and Mendehlson.

This must really be the hangout spot for 38 yr old white men. I finally fit in somewhere!

Gimme two!

Why did he have the goldfish?!! Huh?!!

I completely agree.

Go on.

Seems to me what they should do is adapt the JLU episode where female heroes and villains are trapped in the Gladiator style matches. And in the end they all have to go up against WonderWoman together.

Every new person I work with I assume is a high ranking boss. It's a safe approach.

The Cancer kid.

The very same pants he was going to return!