hootie mcboob

It you remember the Christmas card incident?

I'm out!!!

You can say that again. I don't usually fawn over actresses, but yowzah!!!!!

What grabbed me about his playing, was about 15 years ago listening to Blowout Live, and being completely stunned at how subtle yet powerful a musician he is.

Ok so that's 90 yays and 2 nays so far.

You take that back you bastard!!!


Rusty would be too busy filling his face.

I'd put my money on Dalton.

And THAT is what made the Junkyard Dog my favorite wrestler.

NWO vs the Four Horsemen.

My money's on Will Harris. He seems like a scrapper.

Obviously Hall and Oates. To the death!

This isn't the King Shark origin story I was hoping for.

World War Infinity of course. Oh wait….

Elle MacPherson!

I'd rather have the total consciousness.

Living On A Prayer- Sonny Kim.

Definitely his funniest. Bridge of Sighs is I still think his best work.

Handjobs are an international currency.