hootie mcboob

Michael Emerson is really the heart and soul of that show though.

The short answer is simple, Libya was going to start a gold-backed Central bank amongst the African countries, this didn't sit well with the Rotschild family and Ghadaffi was subsequently removed from power. Finit.

How To Disappear Completely.

Yeah but he's gonna have a hell of a pension with all those years of service. It's not all bad.

Don't they have an emperor anyways?

Sam Worthington isn't that busy these days.

Jesus man it's just a TV show. Some of us love it, some of us don't. Take your pent up anger somewhere else.


Well it did happen pretty early in the morning sooooooo…….

Keith Richards for the win!

John Ratzenberg as Cliff Clavin. There I said it.

Quit living in the past man!!!!

Ragnarok or GTFO.

CBS also rejected my pilot for How I Met My Proctologist.

Isn't that right next door to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College?

Willie Bank?

He should've taken a course in risk management.

Don't knock it til you've tried it.

You had me at Natalie Zea.

Except he's got talent.