hootie mcboob

Alan Tudyk.

She was in remission for a while.

I've been waiting for this comment. Tip of the cap good sir.

Anything can happen in international waters.

No shit right? I'm 6' and about 185 pounds and I have a very long torso. I've pretty much given up looking for clothes that fit me properly.

You'll be even more shocked to know they have no clue what a man wants in the bedroom.

Clearly this is not the biography of Hamilton Swann I was hoping for.

I KNEW calculators were just a fad.

El Dad?

When he goes off the rails, it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen on film.


That was my nickname in prison.


I'd KILL to be 32 again! You hear that?!

You're my role model.

I had that too!!!

Give me G-Force or go to hell!!

What I don't get is how everybody fawned all over Jurassic World and it was the highest grossing movie of the year last year, but most on these threads are treating like BvS like its the worst movie ever made. What am I trying to say I guess is, man Jurassic World was terrible.

And there's a line in there too about how everything he does is political. I can't imagine having to be Superman in this day and age, everybody nitpicking every single thing he does. And maybe that's the problem with this movie, is that no superhero comic movie can portray ideal characters who are squeaky clean when

I actually did too and have been ashamed to appear hear for the last few days. I thought it was such a great take on Superman existing in the world that we currently live in today. The bombing scene I thought was extremely well done, as well as how Superman dealt with the fallout from it no how much it affected him.