hootie mcboob

That sounds like Yoda talk.

There was not one original idea in Superman Returns.

I agree, that's my biggest issue with how they changed Rorschach handling the child abductor.

Travesty? I think you're overstating JUST a bit there. Superman Returns was the real travesty.

Sorry Dowd but you lost me at "butchered Watchmen" and the other snide remarks in the first few paragraphs. Watchmen may not be %100 perfect but it's a damn good movie, possibly the best interpretation from page to screen in the medium.

Burtons Batman killed a bunch of people too so…


Bonertime is what I would've called it but maybe that's just me.

There's something else you need to know about Tracey Flick…..

No I agree, Channing and Gambit I just can't see.

You just keep moving your ships!!!!

Yeah I got nothing against the guy. Even though he doesn't seem that talented, the projects he chooses don't fail because of him.

That's uh, that's not saying much.

That's how I always saw it too.

No I think you nailed it.

For women on their period?

It's a never-ending cycle.

Great, now I want to listen to Rush's version of Jacobs Ladder.

It's winning time!!! Be like Mike!!!

Love Your Lesbian