hootie mcboob

He's overtaken Paul Dano as having the most punchable face in Hollywood.

Bless your heart!

Maybe it's one of those there shovel-ready projects?

You wanna see something REALLY scary?

Cool it Waller.

Up voted for the John Barry nod.

Lance Henricksen would like a word with you.

That would've made for a much better film.

Same goes for Shannon.

The review is exactly what I'm hoping for from this movie. At this point I'll watch anything Nichols and Shannon make.


Speed Racer.

A law blog.

I think the obvious move is to bring in Cameron Crowe for this one.


Please tell me you're joking.

It stinks!

Nothing to be ashamed of in the least. I'm a guy and couldn't care less what some shithead thinks. A healthy body and mind will change your perspective on everything.

Booked a trip to Vegas for my brothers 40th birthday at the end of July. Having never been, I'm not sure what to expect.

Must be turning tricks in it.