hootie mcboob

Even though it's just a comments section Ricky we are all here for you. If I may, keep up with the exercise and maybe expand to meditation and yoga. I'm probably the last person anyone would imagine being into either of those but I've been dabbling in them for the last 6 months and the results have been astounding.…

Way to go MLA!!! Best of luck!

Get off his field.

Yeah well I can make YOU disappear in a cloud of smoke! That's real talent bud.

Yes. Yes I would.


Were gonna need some more FBI guys.

Thanks for ruining the illusion for the rest of us.

I know you are but what am I?

He said only if it was for The Killing Joke.

Is that the safe word?

It'll be worth it if you do. Seen them twice and was very impressed with their live sound.

If you like pina coladas…..


I never thought I'd see the day where I wanted to bone Aunt May, but well, here we are.


All I could think of was the chanting from The Dark Knight Rises.

But what about his short game?!

Same here Lorde.

Mrs. McBoob and I watch reruns every night, and it never gets old.