hootie mcboob

That Funke is some kind of something….

This review just makes me want to watch I Love You Philip Morris again.

Why The Face?

Hillary must pay pretty well.

I'll tell you what I told Redford, it AINT gonna happen.

The chief didn't chew off all yo ass. You still got a little bit a ass left.

"Congratulations Ed, I hear Edna's pregnant again."

Alec Guiness is spinning in his grave.

Well who wouldn't wanna be friends with them?

People seem to forget that W had to cut the parade short because of the crowds. First time that's ever happened. There was a lot of upset folks over him winning the election in court.

He was good friends with Abe Vigoda.

It was Shia Leboeuf.

Just 5 more minutes guys.

I am and in no way am I ashamed of that.

I don't care what the mans resonate views are, I've never met him and never will, but no one can deny that he's a talented actor and director.

Maybe the spinoff show Linoleum will be right up your alley.

Very statuesque?

The Way Way Back Sam Rockwell?

Tom Wilkinson should play my dad in a movie. The resemblance is uncanny.

I always tell my wife a 20s Ellen Barkin could portray her in a movie.