hootie mcboob

I'm looking at you and thinkin "cue ball in the corner pocket!"

He seems like Taylor Lautners shitty little brother.

Get. Out.

Jacobs Ladder

Just tell it to call ya Billie!!!!

Every time my brothers and I get together for a drink we quote Harry……"I bet I can drink that beer without touching the hat….."

I love your work Will, and Teds as well. On a personal note, I wish you'd gotten to ask him about Dad. That might be some of his best work and personally George Christopher is my favorite character he's ever done.

Personal favorites but there's simply too many good ones to choose.

And we love him for it too. Very accomplished director as well.

The Gang Gets Invincible or The Gang Dances Their Asses Off.

I already got the smoking part down.

He'd make a hell of a politician.

Directed by Harold Zoid.


And how many women and children were on that thing?

I don't think it's gonna end on a happy note.

I bet they can't blow it up this time and they fail.

Takes 50,000 GI Joes, slaps some gills on em, webs their feet and packages em in seaweeeeeeeed……

