hootie mcboob

I text this to my brother at least once a week.

That's a Deep Thought.


Its just been revoked!!!!!

Well he is playing Lex Luthor Jr.

THE Ronald Coleman?

What would a wealthy industrialist know about that?

Where did he put that sack of oranges?

Probably misses his old glasses.

Id like to keep believing the rumor, that I KNOW isn't true, that this is all a giant fake-out and its leading up to the Justice Lords.


Yeah but aren't Lord and Miller writing this movie?


*thumbs up from a rooftop a mile away*

Bravo. Tip of the cap sir.

Maybe he can do a remake of MI:II to erase that awful monstrosity.

I'm gonna go get a coffee, you fellas need anythin?

….. And the bishop had bigger balls then the rest of the AV Club combined. He'll be missed.

You're thinking of Francine Smith.

Dear god it better not be considered middle-aged.