hootie mcboob

Moral Orel is the most under appreciated show of all time.

Yeah that's something I've always wondered too. My guess, and it's just that, would be some sort of normal life with Bruce.

Can we hang out this weekend?

Did he get rid of that awful hair yet?

Is this a live action Krusty the Clown movie?

I'm gonna take my shirt off.

I distinctly remember the day my mind was blown when I found out that was Ted Knight.

Go on.

And Luthors reaction when the scheme fails is priceless.

Still had the best intro song of any animated show.

Powers Booth!! Ftw!!!


Beware The Grey Ghost is still the finest 30 minutes of television I've ever seen.

So will the AIDS follow him and John Malkovich into their next vessel?

$2.50 and a jawbreaker?


Yeah, but have you actually tried talking to people in person? It's a very overrated experience.

What he said.

He's somehow taken over control of my recently watched!!!

Don't forget the evil Dr. Shut-in!!!!