hootie mcboob

That Captain America and his do-goodness. Where does he get off?!

No loss there, these guys are overhyped anyways.

Plus 3 other things!!!

It's always been my life-long dream to be in a Broadway audience.

Take a memo….

It's like that old SNL skit with James Bond breaking all the bad news to women he slept with.

Wasn't that George Lucas's son?

I love the prequels simply because of the greatest character in all the Star Wars movies, the Emperor.

I don't care what happens, as long as Black Manta is in it.

Spear me your puns.

Dammit Jose I should've scrolled down, you beat me to it. Love that movie.

Still waiting for his Julius Caesar musical he promised.

Did you say Fluggenkraagen?

That was a really good episode last night.

So you're a serial killer or assassin?

The first order is probably looking for Rey as she's the missing Skywalker/Solo. I don't think they'd go through all that hassle just to find a rogue Stromtrooper.

"Room for one more?"

Is it possible for God to heat a burrito so hot, that even he can't eat it?

Is that the equivalent of Mr. Boston Vodka?

Or the spin-off My Pants Have Fallen.