hootie mcboob

I want chicken, I want liver……

Come on Will, nobody has ever complained about the work you do.

Christ you're fucking amateur man!!!!!

On the next episode of Bar Rescue…..

Id credit a lot of it to Tom Perrotta. Like Lindelof he's good at concepts and dialogue, but not at tying it all up.

Get off my lawn!

What about Gretchen Moll?

And boy does she look fantastic.

Too bad they didn't follow thru with the Guilty Remnant killing themselves like they did in the book.

I believe Scott Glenn is back as Kevin's dad.

Much obliged.

Is nobody gonna mention the fake departure of the guy from Perfect Strangers?

They just had to give the Dolphins a glimmer of hope didn't they?

Ah but Maria Conchita Alonso was in Predator 2.

So they're gonna play tummy-sticks?

Financed by NAMBLA


Now watch his role in Killing Em Softly.

I liked his work, but something about his role in Killing Em Softly really made me realize what a talented actor he is.

Still does.